Co-creation with local communities
Study Tour
A journey to face social issues through interaction between people (volunteer, internship, etc.)
External certification
Study Tour Desk, Sustainability Promotion Desk
Study Tour Desk
Supporting Local Communities
Regional Development
In cooperation with local governments, we are involved in tourism and product promotion, event implementation, SNS promotion, and other activities in Japan and overseas. We communicate the attractiveness of Japan's regions both domestically and internationally, and contribute to increasing the number of people interacting with, relating to, and settling in the region.
Initiatives for the Future of Society
Industry-University Collaboration
For the students who will lead the next generation, the HIS Group provides opportunities for students to deepen their interest in travel and the world by visiting companies in Japan and overseas, accepting interns, dispatching lecturers to classes, and jointly planning endowed courses and tours.
We are creating opportunities for students to deepen their interest in the world and the appeal of travel.
Through collaboration, we will also generate innovation and create new businesses that will lead to the promotion of SDGs and the resolution of regional issues.
Providing services that connect everyone to the world
Universal Tourism
Helping you to enjoy your trip freely and comfortably at any time with our meticulous attention to detail and peace of mind.
[Regarding the notation of disabilities and wheelchairs] At HIS, we align the notation with official documents and treaties, and except for proper nouns, we use kanji as a general rule.