Our raison d'etre is to connect the world
and contribute to the creation of a peaceful society.

The HIS Group Purpose, "Unleash your feeling "KOKORO ODORU"", is based on the belief that a sustainable and peaceful society and the preservation of a healthy global environment are essential.
The travel industry, our ancestral business, is a peace industry. In order to maintain that peace, it is important to deepen mutual understanding among the people of countries and regions around the world, and we believe that our raison d'etre is to create such opportunities through "travel". At the same time, we hope to create a sustainable future by incorporating activities that lead to global environmental conservation into our business activities and putting them into practice.
Our business domain is expanding with repeated challenges to include travel and related businesses, as well as newer areas.
We have set forth "Vision 2030," a vision of what kind of company we want to be as the HIS Group toward 2030, the 50th anniversary of our founding. In addition, as the first step toward this vision, we have established seven materialities (important issues). While sincerely addressing these materialities and contributing to the SDGs, we will grow our business by practicing the PDCA cycle to realize "Vision 2030".
We believe that the key to achieving this is the "active participation of diverse human resources". The HIS Group will continue to reform and challenge itself as a company that respects diversity beyond nationality, race, culture, religion, etc., and allows each individual to flourish, through DEIB promotion and reform of work style and culture. 
We will continue to strive to realize the HIS Group Purpose of "Unleash your feeling "KOKORO ODORU"" which we believe will enhance our corporate value and contribute to sustainable management.
H.I.S. Co.,Ltd.

Yada Motoshi