
We believe that a healthy global environment is essential for the lives of plants and animals, including humans, as well as for sustaining HIS Group’s business.
Accordingly, we work to conserve resources and reduce the environmental footprint of our business activities.
Moreover, we consider it our mission to provide opportunities for people to experience and learn about our planet’s rich environment and biodiversity as something we can do for a sustainable world as a company with a heritage in the tourism industry.

Initiatives against climate change

Disclosure in accordance with the TCFD Framework

The HIS Group has expressed its support for the recommendations of the Climaterelated Financial Disclosure Task Force (TCFD) and joined the TCFD consortium to understand the impact of climate change-related risks and opportunities on HIS' business activities through (1) governance, (2) strategy, (3) risk management, and (4) indicators and targets.
We will continue to promote and improve our disclosure in line with the TCFD recommendations.



The HIS Group has formulated the HIS Group Philosophy, promotes related awareness, and aims to be a Group that continues to be trusted and chosen by its stakeholders.
Its Sustainability Committee, which is chaired by the president and representative director, takes the lead in discussing important policies and measures, monitoring progress toward targets, and promoting sustainability initiatives.
This is done in collaboration with the Risk / Compliance Committee, business execution departments, and domestic and overseas subsidiaries.
Important matters discussed in the Sustainability Committee are submitted to the Board of Directors for deliberation and approval.
Further, all employees strive to foster a corporate culture and environment that respects the rights and positions of stakeholders and upholds sound ethics in business activities in accordance with the HIS Group Code of Conduct.

Sustainability Promotion Structure


The HIS Group has conducted a climate change scenario analysis in accordance, and has compiled climate change risks, opportunities, associated impacts, and corresponding measures that are relevant to its businesses.
We will promote priority measures for items with high risk significance and long-term impact.

Short (~FY2024), Medium (FY2025~FY2026), Long (FY2027~FY2030)

Type of risk Item of risk/opportunity Impact

・Increasing frequency of typhoons, heavy rains, heat waves, etc. and increasing severity of damage

High Short-Long

・Customer response based on crisis management manual

・Enhancement of Pre-travel support services (cancellation support)

・Providing safety and security using a global network (DX promotion)

・Thorough disaster prevention manuals and disaster prevention training for owned facilities and vehicles

・Improvement of stockpiles and evacuation system

・Suspension or delay in service provision due to data center (DC) damage caused by natural disasters

Medium Short-Medium

・Review data center configuration

・Migrate servers to the cloud

・Migrate servers to the cloud


・Increase in business operating costs due to restrictions on vehicle operation and taxation according to emissions because of stricter regulations on GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions

Low Medium-Long

・Promoting the conversion of owned buses and vehicles to EVs, FCVs, etc.

・Investing in and introducing environmentally friendly means of transportation

・Understanding supplier GHG emissions and considering sustainable procurement

・Increase in business operating costs due to the introduction of carbon pricing

Low Long

・Energy saving and introduction of renewable energy

・Promoting the conversion of owned buses and vehicles to EVs, FCVs, etc.

・Reducing plastic products and promoting paperless use

・Cooling consumer sentiment due to rising service prices due to soaring fuel prices

Medium Short-Long

・Promotion of micro tourism

・Stimulating demand for travel

・Providing new experience value

・Changes in customer behavior and preferences due to increased interest in climate change

High Short-Long

・Reducing plastic products and promoting paperless use

・Providing environmental protection experience programs

・Promoting the conversion of owned buses and vehicles to EVs, FCVs, etc.

・Promoting the conversion of owned buses and vehicles to EVs, FCVs, etc.

・Providing new experience value

・Introduction of environmentally friendly means of transportation

・Proactive information disclosure

・Decline in services due to environmental changes such as rising temperatures and sea levels, and the enactment of new regulations, laws, and ordinances.

Medium Medium-Long

・New product development/destination development

・Development of products aimed at protecting the natural environment (in collaboration with tourism bureaus and local governments)

・Expansion of businesses other than travel industry

・Decrease in corporate value and decrease in investment and business partners when climate change efforts are judged as insufficient

Medium Short-Long

・Proactive information disclosure

・Investment in renewable energy

01 December 2023

③Risk management

Within the HIS Group, the Sustainability Committee and the Risk / Compliance Committee collaborate to identify, evaluate, and manage climate-related risks.
The Risk Management Office collects information on business risks for the Group as a whole, including risks related to climate change, and shares its findings with the Risk / Compliance Committee.
The committee develops a management system for identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and responding to potential risks, and conducts activities to prevent risks from materializing.
The Sustainability Committee engages in activities such as ascertaining risks associated with climate change, analyzing them in accordance with the framework of the TCFD recommendations, discussing important policies and measures related to the environment, and monitoring progress toward targets.
It provides reports to the Board of Directors as deemed necessary.

④Indicators and Targets

The HIS Group takes initiatives to address climate change, and “conservation of the global environment” is one of its material issues. In FY2023, the Group identified the Scope 1 and Scope 2 CO2 emissions of its major domestic group companies*, and implemented initiatives to examine and reduce CO2 targets. It has also explored ways to gauge Scope 3 emissions, and promoted initiatives to reduce them.
The HIS Group is conducting initiatives to achieve a reduction of 70% in plastic usage (compared to FY2019) and 50% in copy paper usage (compared to FY2019) by FY2026.
For progress status, please see "Promoting resource conservation in business activities."
(*H.I.S. Co., Ltd. , H.I.S. Hotel Holdings Co., Ltd. , 12 Kyushu Sanko Group companies)

CO2 emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2)(Tonnes)

H.I.S. Co., Ltd. 3,292.9
H.I.S. Hotel Holdings Co., Ltd. 4,205.8
12 Kyushu Sanko Group companies 28,370.8

※The above figures are approximate. (Using MS&AD InterRisk Research Institute's CO₂ emissions simple calculation service)
※The Scope 1 emissions for the 12 companies in the Kyushu Sanko Group were calculated in accordance with the aggregation method of the Energy Conservation Act Periodic Report.

Initiatives to reduce environmental impact

Reducing exhaust gas during transportation

  • Left : LeaLea Okinawa Shuttle bus (Okinawa), Right : LeaLea Hawaii trolley bus (Hawaii)Left : LeaLea Okinawa Shuttle bus (Okinawa), Right : LeaLea Hawaii trolley bus (Hawaii)

    Reducing the Use of Rental Cars by Operating Trolleybuses and Buses

    By operating trolley buses and shuttle buses in popular tourist destinations such as Okinawa and Hawaii, we not only increase the convenience of getting around our customers' destinations, but also reduce the increase in emissions caused by rental cars.

  • Left : Thailand/EV Tuk Tuk, Right : Okinawa/EV Tuk Tuk EmobiLeft : Thailand/EV Tuk Tuk, Right : Okinawa/EV Tuk Tuk Emobi

    Reducing exhaust emissions by introducing EV vehicles

    We are promoting the reduction of exhaust gas emissions from transportation by introducing EV tuk-tuks at hotels on Kumejima and Miyakojima in Okinawa Prefecture and for sightseeing in Bangkok, Thailand.
    In Thailand, we aim to introduce EV vehicles for airport transportation and sightseeing in cities other than Bangkok.

    ▼External evaluation

    • 第1回 JATA SDGsアワード奨励賞(2023) JATA supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
      第1回 JATA SDGsアワード
  • Scene in front of Kumamoto Station on “Kumamoto Prefecture Bus and Train Children Free Day (100 yen for adults)”Scene in front of Kumamoto Station on “Kumamoto Prefecture Bus and Train Children Free Day (100 yen for adults)”

    Environmental measures by promoting the use of public transportation

    Kyushu Sanko Group, in collaboration with bus operators in Kumamoto Prefecture and the Kumamoto City Transportation Bureau, has been holding "Kumamoto Prefecture Bus and Train Children Free Day (100 yen for adults)" every year since 2019.
    The purpose of this is to promote the use of public transportation and improve its convenience, as well as to lead to environmental measures such as alleviating traffic congestion due to the use of private cars and controlling the increase in exhaust gas.
    The environmental effect of the ``Kumamoto Prefecture Bus and Train Children Free Day'' (sponsored by Kumamoto City) held in March 2023 was an estimated 67 tons of CO2 reduction per day. (CO2 absorption equivalent to approximately 7,940 cedar trees)
    We will continue to improve the usefulness of public transportation and remind citizens of its convenience, which will lead to regional revitalization and environmental initiatives.

Proposal for a trip to learn about the environment and sustainability

  • Malama Hawaii ~Earth-friendly journey from Hawaii~Malama Hawaii ~Earth-friendly journey from Hawaii~ (Hawaii)

    Malama Hawaii ~Earth-friendly journey from Hawaii~

    In a place where tourism is a key industry, Hawaii is one of the most active places in the world in the area of responsible tourism.
    Under the slogan “Malama Hawaii,” which means “compassion” in Hawaiian, Hawaii is promoting the importance of preserving the natural environment, and its traditions and culture visitors as well.
    HIS agrees with this idea and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Hawaii State Tourism Bureau in September 2022 to promote responsible tourism "Malama Hawaii" and promote sustainable and regenerative tourism.
    In this activity, HIS carries out educational programs for employees, disseminates information to customers through a special website and SNS, and proposes a "new trip to Hawaii'' where you can experience Hawaii's history, culture, and nature.

  • YakushimaYakushima


    We have established dedicated desks and provide experience tours for hiking, environmental protection, and cultural exchange, etc., based on the concept of “travel that charges the senses” which allow travelers to experience and learn about the local natural environment, history, and culture, etc., and to get a feel for the places they visit through interacting with the local residents.
    We also offer carbon offset plans which can offset CO2 emissions during tours.

  • Image of Group travel with sustainability in mindImage

    Group travel with sustainability in mind

    We propose group trips that consider sustainability for companies, organizations, and educational institutions.
    In addition to travel plans that include airlines, hotels, and destinations that promote sustainable initiatives, we also offer opportunities to learn about the SDGs before your trip, as well as experiential programs to learn about the SDGs during your trip.

    ▼External evaluation

    • 第1回 JATA SDGsアワード奨励賞(2023) JATA supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
      第1回 JATA SDGsアワード
      Sustainability Promotion Desk

Initiatives for the future of sustainable

  • Image of Pioneering the future of sustainable tourism with an investment in SAFImage

    Pioneering the future of sustainable tourism with an investment in SAF

    HIS is an investor in the United Airlines Ventures Sustainable Flight Fund, a research and development initiative by United Airlines that focuses on sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).
    In addition, HIS sells tours that adhere to United Airlines' sustainability criteria and is committed to providing more sustainable travel products moving forward.

  • Image of Earth-friendly stratospheric space travelImage
    (Photo credit: Space Perspective)

    Selling Earth-friendly stratospheric space travel

    In September 2023, HIS invested in Space Perspective, and we are offering stratospheric space travel.
    Using Space Balloon™ technology to fly, Neptune is the world’s first balloon-type spacecraft capable of reaching space via a carbon neutral method, and since it only travels as far as the stratosphere, passengers do not become weightless, so any adult can participate in tours.
    QUALITA Co., Ltd. serves as the official agent in Japan.

Promoting Resource Conservation in Business Activities

  • Image of amenities that reduce environmental impactImage of amenities that reduce environmental impact

    Reducing plastic consumption in the hotel business

    HIS Hotel Holdings has introduced amenity bars in hotels to promote the reduction of plastic consumption in business activities.
    In addition, "HOTEL VISON" and "Hatago VISON," which are based on the concept of "play in the field, learn in the field," reduce the amount of plastic used by using raw materials containing natural straw.
    We have introduced amenities that reduce environmental impact by about 40% compared to conventional amenities.
    In addition, the duvet and pillow are made with marine plastic batting from ADVANSA, Germany.
    The raw material used is PET flakes from Plastic Bank (an organization that works to reduce ocean plastic and create jobs for the poor).

    ▼External evaluation

    • 第9回 日本ショッピングセンター大賞・特別賞(2023) 「HOTEL VISON」を含む商業リゾート施設「VISON」
  • Paper bag for home deliveryPaper bag for home delivery

    Reducing plastic product consumption in the travel business

    HIS has promoted the reduction of plastic product use by eliminating plastic bags given to travelers participating in tours and replacing plastic delivery bags with paper bags, resulting in a 5.5-ton reduction in FY2023, or approximately 78.5% of the FY2019 level.

  • Left : Upcycled tote bag, Right : Bus seatsLeft : Upcycled tote bag, Right : Bus seats

    "Upcycling" utilizing seat seat fabric from route buses

    Starting in November 2022, the Kyushu Sanko Group will be selling "upcycled*2" products that utilize seat fabrics used on route buses.
    Route bus seats, which come in several different fabrics and patterns, are transformed into new products with various designs and ideas, which not only helps reduce waste, but also has been well-received by customers as a memorable and special product.

  • ImageImage

    Paper Reduction in the travel business

    HIS uses FSC®-certified*3 copier paper, which protects forests, and promotes the use of paperless paper for various internal applications and electronic documents, as well as at meetings.
    We have implemented a system to track the amount of copy paper used by each department and are working to promote awareness of the need for paperless operations.The amount of copy paper used at HIS in FY2023 was approximately 66.7 tons, a reduction of approximately 79.5% compared to FY2019 before the Corona disaster*1.
    In FY2023, we reduced the volume of travel brochures by approximately 75% compared with FY2019 by improving customer convenience through the development of digital brochures that can be viewed on the web and by optimizing efforts to reduce excess inventory*1.
    In November 2023, we began to digitize travel itineraries for package tours (we also provide written itineraries upon request).
    We will continue to promote the paperless system to improve convenience for our customers and reduce the burden on the natural environment.
