Co-creation with local communities

Elementary school built

Study Tour

A journey to face social issues through interaction between people (volunteer, internship, etc.)

HIS works on study tours in collaboration with NGOs, NPOs, and local governments, with the aim of promoting mutual understanding through exchange and working together to realize a sustainable society. In particular, we have been conducting study tours to interact with Cambodian children since 2010. Cambodia was affected by the Pol Pot regime, and even today, it lacks educational personnel and school facilities, making it difficult to secure enough class time for each child, forcing them to teach in two shifts. Another major issue is the widening educational gap between urban and rural areas. In order to resolve this situation, in the spring of 2017, we collaborated with the NPO HERO to build a public elementary school where children can attend free of charge. Since then, we have been involved in the construction of a total of five elementary schools, as well as playground equipment and libraries within the schools, and many customers from Japan have participated in these construction projects as tours. Even after the project is completed, we continue to conduct study tours to visit the school. Through extracurricular classes, the tour not only provides an opportunity for Cambodian children to learn, but also provides an opportunity for tour participants to interact across borders and cultures. We will continue to promote mutual understanding among people around the world and propose sustainable travel that leads to world peace.

External certification

JATA supports the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)2023)

Received the grand prize at the 1st "JATA SDGs Award"(2023)

Study Tour Desk, Sustainability Promotion Desk

Tour Grand Prix 2023 SDGs Category Grand Prix

Tour Grand Prix 2023 SDGs Category Grand Prix

Study Tour Desk

Supporting Local Communities

We support local communities through our business activities, such as projects in collaboration with NPOs, organizations, and companies, as well as charity events, in order to create a population that interacts and relates with the local community.

Regional Development

In cooperation with local governments, we are involved in tourism and product promotion, event implementation, SNS promotion, and other activities in Japan and overseas. We communicate the attractiveness of Japan's regions both domestically and internationally, and contribute to increasing the number of people interacting with, relating to, and settling in the region.

Initiatives for the Future of Society

 Industry-University Collaboration

For the students who will lead the next generation, the HIS Group provides opportunities for students to deepen their interest in travel and the world by visiting companies in Japan and overseas, accepting interns, dispatching lecturers to classes, and jointly planning endowed courses and tours.
We are creating opportunities for students to deepen their interest in the world and the appeal of travel.
Through collaboration, we will also generate innovation and create new businesses that will lead to the promotion of SDGs and the resolution of regional issues.

Providing services that connect everyone to the world

Tour for wheelchair users

Universal Tourism

Helping you to enjoy your trip freely and comfortably at any time with our meticulous attention to detail and peace of mind.

HIS conducts health questionnaires at the time of reservation at domestic outlets to provide appropriate travel proposals so that physically challenged people and those with health concerns can enjoy their trips. Utilizing our global network, we have also established a system for accepting customers at their travel destinations. At the "Universal Tourism Desk," a specialized store, staff with expertise in nursing care and welfare-related issues provide support from travel consultation to accompanying customers so that they can enjoy their trips without hesitation. From January 2024, the company will begin offering tours to and from local destinations for wheelchair users. In popular tourist cities where it is difficult to arrange individual wheelchair travel, we offer a safe and comfortable travel experience by accompanying Japanese-speaking guides, using barrier-free rooms, and sightseeing in welfare vehicles.

[Regarding the notation of disabilities and wheelchairs] At HIS, we align the notation with official documents and treaties, and except for proper nouns, we use kanji as a general rule.

External evaluation

Tour Grand Prix 2021

Tour Grand Prix 2023 "Director-General of the Japan Tourism Agency Award

 Japan Tourism Awards Tourism Award

Honorable Mention, Domestic Inbound Business Category, 5th Japan Tourism Awards (2019)

ASEAN Tourism Awards Japan 2019

ASEAN Tourism Awards Japan 2019 Mekong Prize

Image of Online Experience Travel

Online Experience Travel

Travel the world anytime, anywhere

The online experience tour, which was born during the coronavirus pandemic, offers a variety of domestic and international content, from sightseeing to shopping and fortune telling. Since the service began in 2020, more than 300,000 people have participated in a total of more than 15,000 courses. In addition to recorded content, we also hold special projects that utilize HIS' global network, such as 24-hour live tours and first sunrise tours around the world, providing opportunities for people who are unable to travel overseas to easily connect with the world.

Other "Society" Information