Privacy Policy

Please check this page for details regarding Processing of Personal Information of customers located in the European Economic Area.

H.I.S. Co., Ltd. and our group companies ( hereinafter,"the Company" ) consider personal information, namely the personally identifiable information of customers and other individuals associated with the Company, to be an important and irreplaceable asset. Moreover, maintaining the confidentiality of this important personal information, and handling it properly and securely is a social obligation.
To fulfill this social obligation, the Company observes all laws regarding personal information protection, and protects personal information appropriately in accordance with the following basic policy based on the spirit of the H.I.S. corporate charter. Additionally, the policy regarding the protection of personal information covering our Directors and Employees will be implemented separately and appropriately in accordance with the Company-internal rules. 

1. The Company collects and handles personal information in an appropriate and fair manner within the limitations of the stated purpose of use, works to ensure that said information is not used for any other purpose, and will not use said information in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust  activity. Furthermore, the Company does not disclose or provide the personal information and person-related information that it receives to any third party except with the consent of the individual or  when there are legitimate reasons. 
2. The Company observes the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Law as well as all other  relevant laws, guidelines established by the national government, and other regulations. We have also established a personal information protection management system, will make efforts to ensure  awareness and compliance among all executives and employees, conduct periodic training, conduct audits by our auditing department and reviews by external organizations, and make continuous improvements to maintain optimal conditions.
3. The Company will store and manage personal information and person-related information appropriately and carefully, making efforts to implement and continuously review reasonable and appropriate security measures from the standpoints of technical and physical safety management, as well as organizational and personnel safety management, to prevent risks such as leaking,  destruction, or damage of personal information. If there should occur any leakage, loss or damage of  personal information, the Company shall promptly inform the person from whom the data was  obtained immediately to that effect and will take necessary, and take appropriate countermeasures  and corrective actions.
4. The Company shall respond promptly to requests by individuals for the disclosure, etc. of their personal information, as well as their complaints and inquiries.
Established: March 1, 2005
Amended : Nov 1, 2024
H.I.S. Co., Ltd.
Yada Motoshi
[ Personal Information Inquiry Contact ] H.I.S. Co., Ltd. Customer Service Office
Weekdays 10:00-18:30 (Closed on weekends, holidays)
【Tokyo】 +81 50-1742-9955 【Nagoya】 +81 50-1706-0433 【Osaka】 +81 50-1743-2232
[ For requests by telephone, the Company may record the contents of the conversation to verify details ]

Handling of Customer Personal Information

1. Purposes of Use for Personal Information

Personal information written or entered in applications (application forms) when inquiring about or requestin g travel arrangements or other products and services, or provided in communications such as telephone calls or emails, as well as person-related information such as site browsing history, seach history, purchase history, Internet advertising contact log data and location information, may be used by H.I.S. Co., Ltd., and our group companies ( hereinafter, "the Company" ) as described below.

Personal Information Provided in Inquiries or Consultations
The Company will use this personal information within the scope necessary to contact the customer, and to contact relevant organizations, etc., or verify details regarding contents of the customer's consultation, etc.
Personal Information Provided When Requesting Travel Arrangements or Travel Insurance, etc. 
The Company will use this personal information within the scope necessary to contact the customer, to arrange and receive travel services provided by transport and accommodations facilities ( The principal transport and accommodations facilities will be listed in the contract ) etc., and to provide insurance -related services. Additionally, the personal information of customers with a Japanese contact address may be used if the Company determines it is necessary to contact the Japanese contact address in the event of injury or illness, etc., during travel.
Personal Information Provided When Requesting Other Products or Services
The Company will use this personal information within the scope necessary to contact the customer, and to ship products or provide services requested by the customer.

In addition to the above, the Company will use it for the following:

  • Requesting feedback after participation in tours or other products or services
  • Providing special services
  • Preparation of statistical data
  • Market analysis to help develop better travel products and services in the future
  • Providing and managing information on company products and services, as well as those of its partner companies, according to customers' tastes and preferences
  • Monitoring, analyzing, and making countermeasures when deemed necessary by the Company to identify unauthorized use by third parties of payment methods such as electronic payment or other fraudulent activities
  • Providing information on new products and services that match customer interests and preferences by analyzing personal information and personal-related information such as site browsing history, search history, purchase history,Internet advertising contact log data, and location information that can be obtained using standard Internet technologies.
※ The Company may retain a portion of the personal information provided by the customer when requesting travel arrangements or other products and services, etc., as personal data.
※ While customers may choose whether or not to provide personal information to the Company in all cases, please note that in the event that the personal information not provided is essential to providing the requested trave l arrangements or other products and services, you may be unable to use such travel arrangements or other products and services, etc., offered by the Company.

2. Provision of Personal Information

The Company may provide personal information written or entered in applications ( application forms ) when inquiring about or requesting travel arrangements or other products and services, or provided in communications such as telephone calls or emails, as well as person-related information such as site browsing history, seach history,purchase history, Internet advertising contact log data and location information, to third parties as follows, to the extent necessary. At the time of arequest, the customer's consent shall be obtained for the provision of this personal information or person-related information.

Personal Information Provided in Inquiries or Consultations
The Company shall provide the customer's personal information to organizations, etc., relevant to the contents of the customer's consultation, etc., within the scope necessary to respond to customer inquiries and consultations.
Personal Information Provided When Requesting Travel Arrangements or Travel Insurance, etc.
The Company may provide the customer's name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, passport number and other services to transportation and accommodations facilities, insurance companies, and gift shops, etc., via electronic methods, etc., within the scope necessary to arrange and receive travel services requested by the customer, to complete insurance procedures to insure against expenses in the event of an accident, etc., and the Company's travel contract liabilities, as well as to facilitate shopping by the customer in gift shops at their travel destination.
Personal Information Provided When Requesting Other Products or Services
The Company may provide the customer's name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, and passport number, as well as person-related information such as site browsing history, product purchase history, and location information and other services to vendors which sell or ship products, booking agencies providing reservation services, contract suppliers in matching services, and insurance companies, etc., via electronic methods, etc., within the scope necessary to ship products or provide services requested by the customer, as well as t o complete insurance procedures to insure against expenses in the event of an accident, etc., and the Company's liabilities pertaining to the provision of products and services.

In addition, We may hash and provide to third parties personal information such as e-mail addresses and other personal-related information such as age, gender, residential area, customer browsing history, search history, purchase history, location information, advertising contact log data, etc., which can be obtained using standard Internet technologies for the purpose of delivering relevant advertisements to customers, measuring and verifying the effectiveness of such advertisements, and improving and enhancing the services provided to customers through our web pages.

Hashing is a process that converts information into an irregular string of characters and processes it into a format that  cannot restore. personally-related information provided to third parties will not be used for purposes other than those described above by the Company.
※Personal information will not be provided to any third party without the customer's consent for any other purposes, with the following exceptions.
(1) When the customer has provided consent
(2) When it is prescribed by law
(3) When it is necessary to preserve human life, health, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the Individual
(4) When it is specially necessary for the improvement of public health or promotion of the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the individual
(5) When it is necessary for cooperating with a government agency, local authority, or any entity entrusted by either of the former two in executing legally prescribed affairs, and obtaining the consent of the individual is likely to impede the execution of said affairs
(6) When the handling of personal information is consigned in whole or in part within the scope necessary to achieve the specified purposes of use

3. Shared Use of Personal Information

The Company may use the following [ shared items ] in personal information provided by customers to simplify applications for travel and other products and services, contact and respond to customers, send direct mai l according to customers' tastes and preferences, provide information on products and services, to conduct questionnaires, etc., conduct sales analysis and other research, and conduct new surveys. The information will be shared with the following group companies and special agents to the minimum extent necessary.
The name of the party responsible for the management of personal information : H.I.S. Co., Ltd.
Address : 5F Trust tower , Kamiyacho , 4-1-1 Tranomon , JAPAN
Qualita Co.,Ltd. H.I.S.Okinawa Co.,Ltd. No.1 Travel Shibuya Co.,Ltd. Cruise Planet Co.,Ltd. Ohshu Express Co.,Ltd. Tour Wave Co.,Ltd. Japan Holiday Travel Co.,Ltd. H.T.B. Travel Co.,Ltd. Kyushu Sanko Group, A.G.T.Co.,Ltd. LAGUNA TEN BOSCH Co., Ltd, HS. Insurance Co., Ltd. HIS Hotel Holdings Co,.Ltd, H.I.S. Super Power Co.,Ltd. H.I.S.Energy Holdings Co.,Ltd. Henn-na Trading.Co.,Ltd. H.I.S.Mobile Co.,Ltd. H.I.S.Real Estate Co.,Ltd., Regional Power LAB ,.Inc

[ Shared use personal information ]
Mail address, Name (Family, First), Date of Birth, Gender, Nationality, Address, Post Code, Telephone number,Passport information (Number, Name, Nationality, Expiry Date, Receipt Day), Emergency Contact Name, Call Number,relationship, and personal-related information such as site browsing history, search history, purchase history, Internet advertising contact log data, and location information Other Services.

4. Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Information

When a customer makes an inquiry about the customer's personal data in the possession of the Company, o r requests the disclosure, deletion, erasure, correction, suspension of use, or suspension of provision to third parties, etc., of such data, we will guide you through the necessary procedures, so please ask the Company's support center. In accordance with laws and Company regulations, we will respond to requests within a reasonable period of time and inform the individual of the results via writing or electronic methods. Furthermore, if a request cannot be fulfilled in whole or in part, we will explain the grounds.
[ Personal Information Inquiries Contact ] H.I.S. Co., Ltd. Customer Support Center

5. Subcontracting

We may outsource a part of our business and provide personal information to the subcontractor within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use to provide products and services to our customers. The Company will enter into confidentiality agreements with subcontractors regarding the handling of customer personal information, and will appropriately manage and supervise all subcontractors.

6. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties in Foreign Countries

The Company may, in the following cases, provide personal information to third parties located in foreig ncountries (countries or regions outside of Japan). We may provide the customer's name, gender, age, address, telephone number, email address, passport number and other services to transportation and accommodations facilities, insurance companies, and gift shops, etc., via electronic methods, etc., within the scope necessary to arrange and receive travel services requested by the customer, to complete insurance procedures to insur eagainst expenses in the event of an accident, etc., and the Company's travel contract liabilities, as well as to facilitate shopping by the customer in gift shops at their travel destination.

 In addition, We may hash and provide to third parties personal information such as e-mail addresses and other personal- related information such as age, gender, residential area, customer browsing history, search history, purchase history, location information, advertising contact log data, etc., which can be obtained using standard Internet technologies for the purpose of delivering relevant advertisements to customers, measuring and verifying the effectiveness of such advertisements, and improving and enhancing the services provided to customers through our web pages.
when we provide customers' personal information to third parties such as business entities outside of Japan, including subcontractors and joint-use partners, we will provide such information only under the following conditions.

(1) When the customer has provided consent
(2) When the third party is located in a country that is legally designated as having a personal information protection system of a level corresponding to that of Japan
(3) Please see our Homepage for the country names and the personal information protection systems of the foreign countries to which personal information is provided. When the third party has established a system necessary for the continuous implementation of measures corresponding to those required of business operators handling personal information in Japan

For item (3), we will take necessary and appropriate measures to ensure the continuous implementation of the corresponding measures by the third party. If you would like to confirm the details of these measures, please make a request according to the procedures in 4. Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Information.

7. Anonymizing information

The Company will anonymize information and when providing it to third parties when allowed by laws an d regulations, after taking appropriate protective measures to ensure that specific individuals cannot be identified using said information, and that the information cannot be restored to its pre-anonymized state. In addition, the Company will endeavor to take necessary and appropriate measures for the secure management of the anonymized information, and process complaints regarding the handling, and take any measures necessary to ensure the proper handling thereof.

8. Other Matters

H.I.S. Co., Ltd. is a member of the authorized personal information protection organization listed below. Customers may request that said organization resolve complaints against H.I.S. Co., Ltd. regarding persona l information. [ Name of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization and Complaint Resolution Request Contact Information ] Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community ( JIPDEC ) Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office
(Telephone: 03-5860-7565 Toll Free: 0120-700-779) 
This office does not handle inquiries regarding the Company's product and services.

This document is concerned with the handling of personal information within the nation of Japan by H.I.S. Co., Ltd., It is not applicable to other affiliated companies in Japan or to overseas subsidiaries.
We request that customers under the age of 16 obtain the consent of a parent or guardian before providing personal information.
The Company may amend this document to manage customer personal information more appropriately or due to changes in relevant laws.

Established: March 1, 2005
 Amended : Nov 1, 2024
H.I.S. Co., Ltd.
Yada Motoshi

Regarding Cookies

We may use Cookies on our website for the purpose of providing better services to our customers.
Cookies are a mechanism that allows a website provider to temporarily write and store data on your computer through your web browser

The cookies we use by themselves do not contain any personally identifiable information about customers.
For detailed instructions on how to set cookies, please refer to the "Cookies" section in the "Help" menu of your browser.
Please note that if you choose to reject all cookies, you may not be able to receive services that require authentication, or you may be restricted from using some services on the Internet.
What our website does with cookies Our website uses cookies for the following purposes
  • When you log in to our authentication services, we reference your stored registration information tp provide customized services to you.
  • To study the number of users and traffic on our website.
  • To improve the services on our website.
  • To prompt customers to re-enter their passwords (re-authentication) after a certain period of time has passed to maintain security.
  • To display the most appropriate advertisements on other companies' websites based on the customer's interests and their usage of our website.
  • To display the most appropriate advertisements on other companies' websites based on the content that customers are interested in and their usage on our website.
We use network advertisements (including behavioral targeting advertisements) provided by third party companies to distribute advertisements on our website and other websites.
In order to deliver advertisements that meet the needs of customers in the network advertisements of each company, we accumulate and use behavioral history information through cookies. This information is managed and used in accordance with the policies of each company. Please check the policies of each company on the following pages to use their services with peace of mind.
If you do not wish to receive advertisements that use cookies, you can refuse to accept cookies on the corresponding pages.